Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jacob's First Day at "School"

So this is not really a school, but he LOVES calling it that. He feels like a big boy.

It is an awesome toy store (Entropy) that also holds weekly classes where the kids (in a small group) are led by a teacher in a welcome activity, art/craft, mid-morning tea (snack) and free play. He has made some play dough and a mug for daddy (yes, Justin got to celebrate Father's Day twice!!).

I love it because aside from being an activity for him, they have a lounge for the moms where we can chat, relax and have all the coffee (mostly cappuccinos) and tea to our hearts content.

Another plus is that it is within walking distance from home, so on our way back, we call Justin and meet him outside his office to walk home with us for lunch!

I have met some really nice moms there, including this girl from Colorado with whom we have gone to a play date with.

Right now the class is on "spring break" and will resume in a week. We are both excited for "his school" to begin again.

1 comment:

mari said...

Sounds like LOTS of fun for both of you! I wish we had a kid friendly coffee shop right down the block from us....
Miss you:)